Online (in addition to this site):
- search for "Oscar Robertson" or "The Art of Basketball."
Retail outlets:
- Indiana Pacers Gift Shop, Conseco Fieldhouse, Indianapolis, IN
- Indiana Basketball Hall of Fame, New Castle, IN (765) 529-1891
- Crispus Attucks Museum, Indianapolis, IN
- Indiana State Museum, Indianapolis
- University of Cincinnati Bookstore (also phone orders, 888 232 7228)
- NBA Store, New York City
- Sacramento Kings gift shop, Arco Arena
- Bradley Center, Milwaukee (Bucks game days)
- Bookstores: While the book may not be on the shelves, most stores will special order the book for you, depending on the mood of the clerk and the training he or she has received. There will be a shipping and handling charge in addition to the cover price.
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Last update: 9/21/11