10. How important is coaching to an NBA team?

You’d think the level of play in the NBA would be superior to college ball, but we know that isn’t true any more. So a coach has to take what he has to work with and match up as well as possible against each opponent. He also has to make sure his bench is prepared so the level of play remains consistent when he has to substitute.

11. What are a coach’s primary contributions?

Again, I say you have to have great players to be a great coach. So you have to put together the best possible combination of players and try to get them to play together as a team. If a coach has the confidence and the respect of his players, I think that goes a long way toward being able to get the players to play together. Unfortunately, I think there are many coaches who really don’t understand what the game is all about.

12. Why can’t anybody shoot any more?

To become a good shooter, you have to practice. So I would say the obvious answer is that players don’t practice enough. And it’s not just how much you practice, it’s how intelligently you practice. This is something I emphasize in my book. Also, I think the 3-point shot has definitely hurt shooting. That’s a very difficult shot, and I think too many players focus on making 3-point shots instead of developing good overall shooting fundamentals.

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