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The Big O Autobiography
The Big O tells his story in his own words

This is the unvarnished first-person story of the greatest all-around player in basketball history. It's also one of the most forceful testaments you'll ever read. The Big O pulls no punches, and has the facts and figures to back him up. The man who changed the game, on the court and in the courts, was also a prime mover in the social changes of the 50s and 60s. Like most trailblazers, he paid a steep price, but society, the game and its players -- especially the players -- are richer for his contributions. Those who've been led to believe that the NBA began with Michael Jordan are especially urged to read this book! P.S. It makes a great gift. Order now in time for Christmas.

Now available
in paperback from
University of
Nebraska Press.

"The most perfect player in NBA history" by Sam Smith,

"Robertson hopes book transcends basketball" by Jeremy Peter, Cincinnati Enquirer

"You can just call him The Big Original" by Bill Dwyre, Los Angeles Times

Contents - Sample Chapter - Reviews - Where to Buy - Order this Book

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