The primary business of Oscar Robertson Media Ventures is to develop instructional and entertainment content for print, the web, DVD, video, radio, television and other appropriate media, as well as theme parks and live presentations.

Our book "The Art of Basketball" is our first such venture. This book is actually an update of an instructional book on basketball fundamentals called "Play Better Basketball" which Oscar Robertson and Michael O’Daniel co-authored and published in 1964, and which sold more than 100,000 copies in two years.

Oscar Robertson Media Ventures also functions as a marketing and public relations consultancy for various other companies operated by Mr. Robertson, and for other clients in various product and service categories.

To date, most of our focus has been on the launch of "The Art of Basketball." We invite you to return to this page for updates on the activities of our company. For further information, feel free to contact us at the toll-free number below.

Last updated 9/15/99

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